Our February 2023 Newsletter

Esona Newsletter February 2023 Preview

Hope you had a fun filled festive season and survived the century long Janu’worry. We are excited to bring you some great new wines…

Johnlee’s Journey

Johnlee Esona Boutique Wine Estate Roberson South Africa Blog Post Banner

I started my journey at Esona in the year 2020 when things were really tough due to the pandemic, I was really struggling to find a job. So when I heard about the casual job at Esona I just thought to myself ‘go for it’! Lucky for me I got the job…

Caryl’s Recipe Collection – Aubergine Lasagne

Caryls Recipe Collection Aubergine Eggplant Lasagne South Africa Cape Town Family Heritage

This dish could be vegetarian, as it has no meat, but there is cheese added, so I would say vegetarians can say it for themselves if it suits their diet. I frequently make this dish as a meatless option for our dinners at the farm, and it is enjoyed very much by our guests.

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